New addition this Term
Due to popular demand, we are now adding an additional service of the resource library. This is where students will have to ability to borrow out art supplies and books that they can take home for up to two weeks to practice their skills at home. This is also a great way to test out new art supplies to see if its something you would like to invest in for your budding artist.
New Arrivals
We are on Holidays
Check back in on the 8th of July to see what everyone will be doing in week 1 of Term 3.
Sign up to our mailing list to receive the Term 3 lesson plan.
Getting Here
Getting to the Townsville Art Academy building can get a little confusing.
Type Townsville Art Academy into your google maps and it will show you the building location. (Google maps currently takes you to the back side of the building and not the front, we are in the process of correcting this with Google).
We share a small parking lot with ILS Rehab and Townsville Education Centre, simply look out for the large ILS Rehab sign. Be sure to note that the entrance to our building is on KEANE STREET, and not on Horwood street. We have large signage being delivered in the coming weeks to make it simpler to locate, so please bare with us while we navigate the time in between.
About Us
Townsville Art Academy offers a unique, tailor made learning experience for kids. With classes for 6 to 18 year olds, and even adults, you are sure to find the right education for your budding artist.
Townsville Art Academy is the perfect place to build the foundation. And as a student here, you will have access to our amazing, supportive network throughout your time studying.
We’re dedicated to teaching the skills and providing the hands-on experience necessary for successful futures, both personally and professionally. Take a look through our site to learn more.
Our Services
“Everything has beauty in it, but not everyone sees it”
Enrolments for Term 3 2024
Opening 21st June 2024 (4:30PM AEST)
Does your child love to draw? Do they have an interest in the creative arts?
Enrol them in the only after school program that offers structured, hand-on learning in visual arts in Townsville.